
Volunteer to Judge an AMTA Regional

Volunteer to Judge an AMTA Regional

Jan. 23, 2025 - AMTA is hosting Regional Tournaments throughout the country, which will determine which schools advance to the next level of ​AMTA competition. In February 2025, AMTA is hosting 31 regionals.  Each tournament is in need of sitting judges, attorneys, law students, and AMTA alumni to volunteer to serve as judges.  You can find a list of the tournament locations and sign-up information here.

AMTA and the students we serve will be immensely grateful if you are in the area and are able to judge one or more rounds at our events. Please note that there is no requirement that you have judged mock trial before, as we will provide a judge orientation at each event upon your arrival.  In addition, there is no requirement that you review any of the case materials before serving as a judge at our events.  

To register to judge, please review the list of cities for our events and click on the respective registration form.  If you have any friends or colleagues who you think might be interested in judging, please share this information with them as well.  All questions or concerns about AMTA tournaments should be sent to us via email.  Thank you in advance for your time and service to the AMTA community!

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