
Updated AMTA Documents Posted

Updated AMTA Documents Posted

Oct. 12, 2019 - In advance of the 2019-2020 competition season, AMTA has released an updated Rulebook, which integrates changes to the AMTA rules passed at the recent Board meeting.  A copy of this Rulebook is available on the Rules and Forms page of the AMTA website. 

In addition, the AMTA Judges' Presentation has been modified to include a new slide about the student experience.  Our community is remarkably diverse, and it is important for judges to receive explicit guidance that scoring ought be on designated criteria, and that AMTA is committed to creating a safe and inclusive competitive experience.  To that end, AMTA has added the following slide and language to the Judges' Presentation: 

Screen Shot 2019-10-12 at 4.50.45 PM.png

Finally, as indicated over the summer, AMTA will be releasing a comprehensive guidance memorandum that summarizes the multiple recent decisions from the Competition Response Committee (CRC) over the past few seasons.  To be clear, the AMTA Rulebook governs all invention of fact issues, and AMTA's rules regarding invention of fact have not changed.  AMTA's prior memorandums and the upcoming release are intended to provide further explanation of the current rules.  To that end, AMTA will soon be releasing a survey for the entire community to provide AMTA feedback regarding what teams would like further explanation and/or guidance about with regard to invention of fact, as we want to ensure that this memorandum is as responsive to the community as possible.  AMTA will post the survey on our website and distribute via social media soon.  

If you have any questions about the AMTA Rulebook or Judges' Presentation, you may contact Michael Walsh, AMTA's Rules Chair.  If you have questions regarding the guidance memorandum, you may contact William Warihay, AMTA President, and Kyle Thomason, CRC Chair. 

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