Competition Integrity Committee Releases First Advisory Opinions
Dec. 12, 2022 - Last summer, AMTA created the Competition Integrity Committee and gave it primary responsibility for issues involving invention of fact. As part of that charge, the CIC has been authorized to create an advisory opinion process for properly registered programs to submit questions about the permissibility of certain testimony or demonstrative aids. All advisory opinions will be fully public, but no opinion will identify the name of the school that submitted the request.
Along those lines, the CIC has issued four advisory opinions on December 12, 2022. These opinions and all future ones will be published on the Case Materials access page and on the Rules and Forms page. Programs wishing to submit requests for advisory opinions may do so using the Competition Integrity Committee Advisory Opinion Request Form on the AMTA website.
Please note that:
- Only the primary contact person, coach, or captain of a properly registered school may submit questions.
- The submission of a request for an advisory opinion will constitute consent for sharing all, any part, or any edited form of the question with the entire AMTA Community.
- The CIC is not required to answer every question it receives, and the failure to answer any particular question will not be a defense against a complaint seeking sanctions for an Improper Invention.
- The CIC may may respond to questions in any order it deems appropriate (including prioritizing questions from programs that have not previously submitted them); and
- Any questions submitted after Friday, January 20 will not be addressed until all regional tournaments have concluded.