AMTA Establishes the Glen Halva-Neubauer Judges Hall of Fame
Dr. Glen Halva-Neubauer is a professor at Furman University, a past president of AMTA, and the recipient of AMTA’s Neal Smith Award for contributions to AMTA’s educational mission. The Judges Hall of Fame is named in honor of Dr. Halva-Neubauer because of his long and successful commitment to the recruitment of volunteer judges at AMTA tournaments. Dr. Halva-Neubauer’s efforts reached new heights this year, as his National Championship Tournament featured five scoring judges in every trial. In total, 519 judges participated. This sets a mark that may never be equaled. AMTA thanks Dr. Halva-Neubauer for his decades of hard work and looks forward to the first slate of Judges Hall of Fame inductees in the 2016-17 season.