2018 Regional Tournament Memorandum
To: All AMTA Students and Coaches
From: Dr. Frank Guliuzza, President
Date: November 22, 2017
Re: 2018 Regional Team Assignments
This is an exciting time for the American Mock Trial Association. Last year when we released regional team assignments in November, AMTA had 646 fully registered teams - a new record. This year, we are releasing regional assignments with 685 fully registered teams.
Fortunately, AMTA anticipated this growth and addressed it by adding two new regional tournaments, bringing us to 27 regionals across the country. This summer, the Board of Directors also approved Rule 6.6(2)(a), which allows for smaller regionals with fewer bids to ORCS in specific geographic areas where AMTA would like to foster continued growth.
With growth comes growing pains. Generally, all of the bids from a particular regional feed into one ORCS site. However, for the past several years, we have also had one "split" regional site, meaning a regional tournament where the direct bids feed into multiple ORCS.
This year, we will again have 8 ORCS with 192 total bids. However, because these bids will be distributed across 27 regional tournaments, we will have three “split site” regional tournaments. These three regionals are in Seattle, WA; Colorado Springs, CO; and Columbus, OH.
Seattle: AMTA intends for most of the teams qualifying out of Seattle to compete in Los Angeles, with up to two teams competing in Memphis. You will see that two bids are currently noted as feeding into the ORCS tournament in Wilmington, Delaware. It is not AMTA's intent to have teams from Seattle travel to Wilmington. As open bids are generated to Los Angeles and/or Memphis, these Wilmington bids will move to Los Angeles and/or Memphis.
Colorado Springs: The Colorado Springs regional will be our first under the new rule permitting smaller-sized regionals. Here, AMTA intends for the teams qualifying from Colorado Springs to compete in Geneva, IL, but some bids are initially assigned to Central Islip, NY. As with Seattle, AMTA will move these Central Islip bids to Geneva as open bids permit.
Columbus: Because all three ORCS are within driving distance of the participating teams, AMTA intends for the qualifying teams from this site to be distributed among the three ORCS sites indicated.
In Seattle and Columbus, we have certain teams we will designate to specific locations for power balancing purposes. AMTA will reach out to these teams soon to advise you of our intention.
While we understand that there may be some confusion and inconvenience for those of you assigned to split sites, please know that we are working to provide as many students from as many schools as possible with a memorable academic and competitive experience. Thank you in advance for your understanding and patience.
Please do not hesitate to email any of us with any questions or concerns. Enjoy your holidays, and we’ll see you in February!